GeoSmartCity at ASITA Conference 2014

Firenze, 15 Octobert 2014

Clustering Workshop:”L’implementazione della Direttiva INSPIRE: applicazioni nel contesto europeo”


The workshop deal with the problems linked to the INSPIRE Directive Implementation, in particular the problems related to the data harmonization, making reference to four real applications corresponding to as many scenarios defined and developed in the framework of two projects co-funded by the EC.

Two application scenarios are related with important and significant topics at the level of a Smart City development. These scenarios are the subject of the GeoSmartCity project, CIP-ICT-PSP project, started in march 2014 and lasting 3 years as well. GeoSmartCity intends to implement a re-usable interoperable platform and a Hub able to publish geographical information in compliance with the Open Data paradigm, to provide specialized services based on open standards in the framework of the following scenarios:

  • Green Energy – supporting the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)
  • Integrated management of the underground utility networks.

Other two application scenarios have the general theme of the Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICZM), main issue of the LIFE+IMAGINE project (Integrated Coastal area Management Application implementing GMES, INSPIRE and SEIS data policies), started in July 2013 and lasting 3 years. LIFE+IMAGINE develops methodologies for the environmental analysis, to recovery new information, maps and indicators useful for the territorial planning, the monitoring and the communication, with reference to two problems really felt in the coastal management domains:

  • Landslides
  • Soil consumption

The services implemented in the two projects and scenarios above will be made available and provided by extending a service infrastructure developed within the eENVplus project, CIP-ICT-PSP project, now at the end of the second year of activity.



Agenda ASITA 2014 594.76 KB 135 downloads


Workshop introduction 925.49 KB 129 downloads
