Earlier versions of this training module have been developed within the context of UNIGIS-Girona master's degree, in the subject of Visualization & Cartography, and the Smart City master's degree from the University of Girona (UdG).
SIGTE – University of Girona, CC-BY-NC-ND.

Visualization and cartography are located at the end of the GIS stream. After data compilation, data processing and data analysis, a GIS expert will have to choose how to represent it to achieve a particular goal.

In that sense, Data Visualization&Cartography is a self-learning module designed to explore the basics of cartography, learn how to build better maps and discover different types of data visualization according to new tendencies.

The module will start with an introduction to the principles of visual communication, the use of colours in cartography, the effective type in map design and the classification of geographic data.

Then it'll focus on the strategies to design map layouts and different types of cartographic outputs.

Finally, the student will learn how to create 3D scenarios and work with dynamic visualization.

The module consists of 4 units as follows::
  • Part 1: Symbolization and thematic representation of cartographic data
  • Part 2: Map design
  • Part 3: Cartographic outputs
  • Part 4: The visualization of cartography
Learning outcomes

When completing this module, the learner is expected to identify the basic rules of cartographic representation and apply correctly the use of colours and effective type in map design. It will also be able to distinguish between different types of data classification and choose the best strategy to design and publish maps.

The learner will also be able to apply some techniques to create 3D scenarios and work with temporal data.

Intended Audience

GIS and ICT professionals, who aim to understand the principles of cartographic visualization and map design in order to create better maps.

GIS professionals who want to discover how to work with different types of map visualization.


Basic knowledge about GIS.

Some experience working with GIS software and managing different types of data formats.

English, Spanish
PDF documents, presentations, Weblecture. The module is a self-learning module.
Expected workload
4 hours