Aalborg (DK), 17 June, 2014
A GeoSmartCity session was organised within a clustering workshop at the INSPIRE 2014 Conference, with the aim to introduce the project.
The workshop had the objective to introduce a preliminary solution on how the eENVplus infrastructure can be profitably exploited in the ICT-PSP GeoSmartCity Project, started on the 1st of March, in the wider context of a cluster environment.
The project establishes a re-usable cross-platform and an open hub able to publish open geographic information and to provide specialized services based on open standards. Starting by the availability of the open geographic information through open standards, the hub gives the possibility to integrate them with other public/private data in order to design the specialized services needed to implement the addressed Smart City scenarios:
- Green Energy – to support City’s Strategic Energy Action Plan (SEAP)
- Underground – integrated management of the urban underground
The GeoSmartCity session was organised in a clustering approach for the use of a service Infrastructure and of a Training Framework, aspects that are common within other European projects focused on interoperability in the context of INSPIRE:
- eENVplus, aiming to unlock huge amounts of environmental data, managed by the involved national/regional environment agencies and other public and private environmental stakeholders, through the integration and harmonisation of existing services
- LIFE+IMAGINE, which will exploit the eENVplus infrastructure to implement two scenarios on integrated coastal zone management based upon environmental analysis and risk assessment methodologies.
- LINKVIT, which has in fact developed the concept of the Training Framework that supports, with eLearning tools, the development of the necessary capacities and knowledge to implement INSPIRE and to develop a SEIS.
The intended audience for this workshop was stakeholders dealing with geo-information and environmental services. They are: INSPIRE Community and INSPIRE Data Specifications experts, National Environmental Authorities, Local and Regional Environmental Authorities, Thematic Communities, Research, Private sector and SMEs, technology providers, and NGOs.
Moreover within the INSPIRE Conference:
Geosmartcity: Underground Scenario Pilot, County of Pamplona (Maria Cabello) 1.10 MB 186 downloads
GeoSmartCity has been also mentioned in: